Our Services

If there was one ‘best way’ to fill a job, everyone would use it. We’d all post our ads to Indeed or LinkedIn or ZipRecruiter. Or maybe we wouldn’t post at all. Perhaps we’d just go to a single searchable database and instantly identify and reach out to perfect candidates. That’s the dream. Until then, there’s RecruitSavvy. One call to us sets all of these wheels in motion:

Core Services

Print & Online Job Ads

We create professionally written & designed ads, provide media recommendations and post approved ads on your behalf. Because we purchase online job postings in bulk, in many cases we are able to offer you top tier job boards' advertising for a fraction of the cost of buying directly from the website!

LinkedIn Profile Sourcing

We source LinkedIn profiles to identify candidates who possess the skills and experience you seek. We then network directly with these targeted individuals and provide information regarding your opportunity. Our goal is to generate interest in with those that may be open to change given the right opportunity.

Candidate Pre-Screen

We contact candidates you’ve approved to present your opportunity, discuss position specifics and ask up to five qualifying questions. We also ascertain their compensation requirements and level of interest in making a move.

Resume Sourcing

We proactively search the top resume databases including Indeed & ZipRecruiter to identify candidates who possess the skills and experience you seek.

Passive Candidate Sourcing

We conduct internet and telephone research to obtain the name, title, email address and phone number of individuals performing the function you need filled at direct or indirect competitors.

Behavioral Interviews

We conduct comprehensive 45-60 minute interviews with each approved candidate and submit a written summary for your review.

Ad Response Management

Rather than flood your inbox, have all ad responses come to us! We review each resume according to your criteria and forward qualified candidates to you. In addition to core requirements such as degree & years of experience, we evaluate 'soft' criteria such as career progression, job-hopping, etc.

Open House / Event Recruiting

Make your next recruiting event a success! Our proven advertising, sourcing and outreach services increase candidate flow; our Event Follow Up services help convert attendees into employees. 

Discount Packages

Candidate Search Package

In addition to writing & posting your ad to Indeed, our seasoned Recruiters manage the responses and source top resume databases to identify passive candidates. Over a 30-day period, you’ll receive 3 rounds of qualified candidates (both sourced resumes & ad responses) thus enabling you to fill your immediate opening while building a talent pool for future positions.

LinkedIn Package

In addition to writing and posting your ad to LinkedIn, our seasoned Recruiters manage the responses and proactively source profiles to identify other qualified candidates. Over a 30-day period, you will receive 3 rounds of qualified candidates (both sourced profiles & ad responses) to build a talent pool. We also send InMails to alert candidates to your opportunity and gauge their level of interest.

Professional Search Package

Similar to our Candidate Search Package, we write & post your ad on Indeed and LinkedIn. In addition, our highly trained Recruiters source resumes & LinkedIn profiles and manage the ad responses. Over a 30-day period, you will receive 3 rounds of active & passive candidates to build a talent pool. We will also send unlimited InMails to alert candidates to your opportunity and gauge their level of interest.


Whether you purchase a single job posting or a comprehensive search package, your seasoned recruiter will get to know about you, your company, your opening and the type of candidate you seek. Continuous contact through the project duration helps ensure optimal results.

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